Help needed consructing a tennis trading autobot

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Posts: 4
Joined: Mon May 10, 2021 7:20 pm

Hi all,

Very new to Bet Angel and a little disapointed I have only now come across such amazing software.

I have a Tennis Trading Strategy that i would like to create an autobot for, im not asking for someone to do it for me, im more than happy to put the hours and research in myself but i just need to know that such a strategy can be achieved and programmed within Bet Angel.

This is my strategy:

1 – Back the Server (Current Favourite) @ Odds 1.4 or greater
2a – Close the selection at the end of that game and green up
2b – Close the selection if the server is 2 or more points behind and green (red) up
3 – Lay the (Current favourite) if NOT serving
4a – Close the selection at the end of that game and green up
4b – Close the selection if the server (not favourite) goes 2 or more points ahead
5 – End the automation once a profit of 10% or more of the set fixed stake has been reached when greening up

E.g. Using a £10 fixed stake per bet, if after greening up equates to £1 or more then the automatic trades stop and no more bets placed on that game.

Can this be done?

Any help much appreciated.


Posts: 1704
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

Yes, that's all reasonably straightforward in BA and definitely do-able for tennis.

It's worth putting in a few hours to get your head around the format and setup in Guardian but downloading a few of Dallas' example baf files and dissecting them will get you started. Posting up anything you are stuck on will get you decent help.
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon May 10, 2021 7:20 pm

Thanks sniffer66,

I have looked at alot of Dallas' material, was actually thinking of addressing my post to Dallas directly ;)

I am currently experimenting on a trail and error basis using different methods etc, although struggling with ending the market at a set point with no more bets being placed on that market without doing it manually.
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