2 months in Chuffed with a Trade

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Posts: 158
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:05 am

2 Months in and enjoying an immence learning curve.

Traded PSG Game last night and layed the draw, in hindsight maybe not best trade after their recent form but took the view they would bounce back. It transpired that they didnt bounce back and went behind, took the small loss and a little while later backed the draw. hey ho PSG eualised very late on. Messi then had a free kick on the edge of the box and my bottle went and cashed out for a reasonable profit greater than the earlier loss.

Reason for posting is to equire if those of you with experience would have traded it differently, assuming you had traded it? Or is it the case that there is no bad trade if there is a profit
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Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:21 pm

Hi Frank.

Should have probably posted that in the soccer section, some decent soccer traders there! The Chill Out Area is more about unwinding from trading and stuff, or to have the odd heated argument :)

But in short, it's not really about individual trades as bad ones can produce short-term profit too, it's about long-term consistency and trading with value. In other words, don't place a bet on something you think will happen regardless of price, place it if you think it has value and positive expectancy over the longer term.
Posts: 158
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:05 am

Thanks for the reply, points noted, Cheers
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