Tennis Trader - Wrong odds

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Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:30 pm

I'm trying to use Tennis Trader and having a few problems.

If you look at the screenshot, you'll see that the odds are wrong on the Tennis Trader window.

The score when the screenshot was taken was 30-30. And the odds on the right are 1.59 / 2.7. But if you look at the actual odds on the left, they are 1.3 / 4.2. A long way off.

Is that a bug? Or am I reading it wrong?

I noticed that the match type (5 sets) was wrong so I changed that, and the odds came in a bit but they were still incorrect.

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Did you click calibrate?

Odds will drift from their probabilities over time if a player is injured or just isn't playing well. So calibrating will correct the seed value for the model.

Doing this late in a match is much less effective, but also bear in mind that the market may favour one player ahead of another at times. So it's unlikely to be exactly the same.
Posts: 29
Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:30 pm

Hi Euler,

Thanks for this. The calibrate button worked.

The odds seem to be off at the start of every point. Even at the start of the match.

Is there a way to auto update so I don't keep having to press the calibrate button? Every few seconds?

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