Standing desks

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I'm thinking of getting a standing desk. My posture is poor after years of sitting at a desk and I think I need to look at correcting it.

Anybody ever looked into these things before?
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try the Alexander Technique (it works) - then you can keep your chair!
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Stand up desk would probably make you more alert and may be better for trading as well as physical health. Its worth trying and if you do have a go don't forget to post your experience.
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For years Ive used standing desks...the desk is about the level of my belly button.. I use a high stool which I sit on lean against... I rotate my day between stool and standing... I no longer have shoulder, elbow and wrist problems from mouse use.. I tend to sit until im matched then naturally stand when managing a position and return to sitting when I close. I've also introduced standing exercise while Im on my feet....I would highly recommend it.. I feel standing up is the new sitting down
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I pretty much do what herbie does (alternate standing and sitting) at what used to be called an architects desk (belly button height) with high stool. Not only is it good for you, but great for storage below, with shelving above. I believe you can get them from Ikea,if you want to find a desk/stool easily.
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I am toying with one of these but not the architect/belly button height.

I like the motorised ones that transform from a normal seating position to standing and back.

users say they they stand for an hour or so at a time. They cost upwards of £800.

Sold by specialist back care shops.
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Hi Peter,
i have used the motorised desks before ,when i was a sales rep.i loved them i would be driving for hours every day and only went to the office every 2 days or stand and send emails do paperwork etc,they are great and worth every penny,just having the option to sit or stand when u cant leave your desk is great.just get one.if u dont like it then just sit, simples :D
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I used to use them in a previous job and found them very useful. Only drawback is that the one I was given was a bit small so not a great deal of room to store things etc. but apart from that they're great. :)
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Mr Undercover
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I'm consulting for Swedish company currently and everyone is equiped with a motorised desk so they can sit or stand in the Stockholm offices. Its odd to see at first but about 30% of staff stand all day during office hours. I was intrigued and chatted to some of the developers they swear it's resolved long standing back issues and helped keep weight down.
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Euler wrote:I'm thinking of getting a standing desk. My posture is poor after years of sitting at a desk and I think I need to look at correcting it.

Anybody ever looked into these things before?
Morph wrote:I am toying with one of these but not the architect/belly button height.

I like the motorised ones that transform from a normal seating position to standing and back.

users say they they stand for an hour or so at a time. They cost upwards of £800.

Sold by specialist back care shops.
Did you end up getting one Peter?

I am also thinking of getting one, well I should say making one ;)

Since I made my first desk I would never go back to buying one from a shop as you can custom design it to your needs/space.

I have just had a quick think about how to go about making it and it seems a pretty simple solution is at hand. You could probably just adapt a current desk using an electric scissor jack. They only cost about £70, pop it into a bit of housing so as to hide it away, make a few support arms and you have a adjustable desk for both sitting and standing.

If I get around to trying it I will pop some pics/video up but don't expect it any time soon as I have a list as long as my arm of DIY needing to be done first.


Looks like someone already had my idea:

Would be a cheaper option if you have your cordless drill to hand as the Jack only cost about £10 for a standard one (you could always hand jack it and get an extra work out that way).

I would want to box the jack in though - don't fancy having a car jack on show.

But £10 v £800 = :o
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You can save yourself the cost of a standing desk but digging a hole in your office floor.
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just wondered if you had got any further with your investigations. I think this is a really good idea and I am going to take the plunge soon too I think.

i'd be very interested to hear your thoughts.

All the best
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