Failure: A detour on the road to success...

Trading is often about how to take the appropriate risk without exposing yourself to very human flaws.
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Includes an interview with Nick Holzherr, finalist of The Apprentice: ... ccess.html

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Enjoyable read. Agree with Nick's assessment on the difference between Brits and Americans.

The average Brit loves to play it safe. Most Americans also stay within their comfort zone, but the average American will still appreciate and support calculated risk-taking in others.

Americans are generally more optimistic than Brits, probably overly so. But I'd rather be overly-optimistic in life than overly-pessimistic. (Although I'd rather learn to trade from a Brit.)

Personally, I try combine a healthy skepticism (British trait) with a positive approach towards life (American trait).

I'll be following your blog with interest.
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Wolf wrote:Enjoyable read. I'll be following your blog with interest.
Thanks Wolf. :)

I originally wrote those articles when I was working at BT Marketing Solutions (part of the BT group), and after I left I thought it wouldn't hurt to stick them in a blog and post links on LinkedIn. I figured it could only help me find a job in marketing. :)

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Its probably the fear of failure rather than actually failing which holds a lot of people back.
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Jeff is always worth listening to, so his blog would be worth a follow

I must admit, I have taken the piss at times, but it's well meaning, even if it doesn't come across like that

What amazes me about Ferru, is that he talks a great game, however seems to struggle with putting it into practice - he's liked somebody who has read the Kama Sutra from back to front, but unfortunately suffers from erectile dysfunction
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LeTiss 4pm wrote:Jeff is always worth listening to, so his blog would be worth a follow
Cheers. :)
LeTiss 4pm wrote:I must admit, I have taken the piss at times, but it's well meaning, even if it doesn't come across like that
It hasn't always, but I've learned how to take you. :)
LeTiss 4pm wrote:What amazes me about Ferru, is that he talks a great game, however seems to struggle with putting it into practice - he's liked somebody who has read the Kama Sutra from back to front, but unfortunately suffers from erectile dysfunction

Unfortunately, the gulf between theory and practice can be huge (although I have far from given up on my ability to gulf that chasm, and I think I'm close).

The challenge with trading is that trading is simple in theory, but IMHO few people have the psychological ability to succeed. You have to be able to withstand pain or be willing to delve into your mind and tackle the pain head on, changing your mental associations so that you find doing the right thing pleasurable. Both are difficult, and offer no guarantee of success, so in practice few people will succeed IMHO.

I'll use an analogy. Let's say you have a mate who wants to give up smoking. He knows it makes sense for him never to have another fag - he'll feel better and live longer. However, after a stressful day at work, he's down the pub with his mates, and when they nip outside for a fag he's dying to join them. If his inner chimp doesn't kick in and cause him to cheat today, it's probably a matter of time before he cracks.

A trading analogy might be letting your losses run; it's tempting to tell yourself that you'll give the market a chance to come back 'just this once' if cutting immediately is painful (which I'd say it is for most people).

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Ferru123 ability to gulf that chasm...
Jeff - You should be a copywriter! :D
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I'm working on it! :lol:

I'd rather be a trader though! :)

PeterLe wrote:
Ferru123 ability to gulf that chasm...
Jeff - You should be a copywriter! :D
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It hasn't always, but I've learned how to take you. :)

Far to much detail guys ;)
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A nice read about websites, Jeff

However, I think you should install some humour - your experiences of online dating & your landlady should do the trick! :D
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The purpose of the blog is to help me find work (and to show employers that I'm capable of writing a professional-sounding blog), so I'm not sure that would be the best approach! :lol:

I am tempted to branch out though, but for now (or at least till I get back into work), I'll stick with publishing the corporate blog posts I wrote in my previous job. I made them as interesting as I could within the limits of what I was doing, but you can't say anything too colourful or controversial when you're writing on the blog of a FTSE 100 company! :lol:

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Great blog Jeff. For some reason I didn't see it when first posted but I do like your clear layout and style...great content too. Looking forward to reading more!
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Thanks - Much appreciated! :)

BTW, if anyone knows of someone looking to employ an experienced copywriter... I know, that's spam, but you can't blame me! :lol:

redtra wrote:Great blog Jeff. For some reason I didn't see it when first posted but I do like your clear layout and style...great content too. Looking forward to reading more!
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