Google Watch as Fitness Device Monitor

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Posts: 1744
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I see google are now getting in on the smart watch market. ... droid-wear

I like the idea of using the watches for fitness devices. I know Andy is a big athlete and i think Peter Webb enjoys exercise and gadgets, so wondered if any of you have tried any of the fitness gadgets out there?

I was thinking of getting the Samsung Fit once it hits the shelves, but now thinking of waiting for the google watch as Im a big google fan and so far had their first phone and tablet that they launched. Might wait on the google car when its out though and let someone else test that first.
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Hi Steve
I haven't got the watch..but I have started using an app on my iPhone called Map my Run when I go out on my bike..really good app

I've only recently got the bike out of the garage and as i was telling a friend yesterday, the first couple of times I got back on - it bloody hurts those two bones in the cheeks of your arse!! :twisted:
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I know that feeling. Got it today from doing a 50km round trip across town and that was on my wave. I have a Sony xperia so its a bit big really when attempting excercise and using an app. I'm thinking with the built in heart monitors these watches are starting to have, then they could be pretty good.Probably never use it mind you! :oops: Defo going to try one but just got to decide to wait for the google one or try the Samsung.
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I don't wear a watch but do when I am running. I wear a Garmin Forerunner. It is a few years old now so there are newer models but my current one does all I want and more.

All I am interested in is the distance I have run and my average pace and current pace. I do from time to time strap on the heart rate monitor. The heart rate monitor is a 'belt' you strap around your chest and it would be better if it were incorporated into the watch instead but other than that I don't see a need for me to switch my watch.

I can see the Google watches appealing to people who are new into the market for an exercise watch but I don't really buy into the whole wearable tech idea. At least not at the moment as we are to tied to our mobiles which are far more capable than I think a watch will ever be.

But I will 'watch' the market with interest :lol:
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I wasn't with the idea of the wearable stuff at first but i've seen a few lads who have the fitbit (not the samsung one) they just stick in their pocket during the day and it measures their calories they have burnt walking to the pub etc.. and gives them a beep if they are not reaching their target.

So Ive changed my views a little bit for us lazy lot who always looking for a bit of motivation and to know what they are actually burning, so Im tipping over thinking that bringing fitness monitoring into an easy wearable device could be a good marketing angle.

Probably be getting a free one in meal sets at mc ds soon to pass it off as healthy :lol:
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