Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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I would appreciate some help on how to keep my bets in-play. I understand the basics of how to fire a bet from excel before the race starts,
ie =if(F8>2.2,"back","") what would I need to add to this to keep the bet in play. Ive tried everything but can't get the right formula.
Thanks in advance.
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Global commands are entered in cell L6

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Thanks for that. I've set up 10 markets on excel and they are all connected but it appears to cycle through all the sheets refreshing one at a time causing to much of a time lag, is there some way to speed this up or make it just refresh the current market?
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Set the refresh interval to 'pause'
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Ive tried to set the refresh rate to pause but then the prices don't update at all.
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Hi raynehan,

Dabbla was spot on with his KEEP_ALL. I always clear the global status cell as well.

There are two ways of calling the Excel sheet.
One is through Guardian which causes the flipping as you describe, and the other through the BA main screen which only handles the selected market. I would suspect the latter is what you are after. (Look for the Excel tab on the main page).
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Hi Zapata

If I use the excel tab on the main page I assume I can only select the one market and not several. What I'm trying to acheive is several markets that I can set up and leave while I work. The only way I can see to do this is through gaurdian but the prices refresh to slow and any opportunity that arises will have gone before the bet is fired.
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When using the main BA route to your spreadsheet you can change markets by going to guardian and selecting this option in the "Bet Angel Market Switching" section. Check the checkbox and set the market switch time to the number of seconds before the race start that you want to switch.
If a market is then in the guardian list it will become your main BA market at the set time. Your spreadsheet would then be acting on the new market at upto 200ms per update.
This route is used if you want to do something over many markets just before the start or in-play.

Going via the guardian route to access the spreadsheet is if you want to check/bet vaious markets over several hours by looping through the markets and the fastest this can be done is 200ms per market. So with 10 markets the best you will achieve is 2 seconds per market visit.

Your setup and broadband can affect these timings though.
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