Excel Countdown and If Function

Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:00 pm

Hi guys, basically im trying to setup a trigger in excel based on the countdown clock. I intially thought it would be as simple as
=IF(F4>=00:00:10,"GO","") i.e if the countdown timer is equal to or greater than 10s then display GO if not Don't do anything. But no!!!

Im basically trying to replicate the automation rules regarding the off time.

I originally had my spreadsheet set up to say if the cell in the bet angel template displays the word in-play then trigger my bet, which it did but displayed the error market suspended in the status cell, so i was having to clear this to re trigger the bets which obviously isnt the point in having it automated.

Any help greatfully received

Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:54 pm

In Excel, time is held as a whole number of days and a decimal part as time of day.

This should give you "GO" up until 9.9999 seconds before the event ...


Beware that the countdown has different formats
1) contains "d" if event 1 or more days in future
2) counts down to event
3) has negative sign if after official start time but event not started yet
4) counts up in play (from when you open market if already in play - not real world event start)
5) you need to check for InPlay or Suspended status
Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:00 pm

Thank you ever so much for your response foxwood, how would i adapt this formula if i wanted to trigger it say 10s after scheduled off time?

Thanks again I'm constantly learning excel as i go but this time stuff really got me stumped!
Posts: 407
Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:54 pm

The clock counts down into negative time once it hits the event start so the test continues to work the same - just add a minus sign if you want to test for 10 seconds after the official off ...

=IF('Bet Angel'!F4>=(-10*(1/24/3600)),"GO","STOP")

BEWARE - if the event starts on time (does happen) then the clock will reset to zero and start counting up - in that case the test above will always be true until the event finishes !

Something like this should make it safe but you would need to test it yourself - no guarantees it works as required ...

=IF(AND('Bet Angel'!G1<>"In-play",'Bet Angel'!F4>=(-10*(1/24/3600))),"GO","STOP")
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